Car Accident Lawyers

car accident lawyer

Atlanta Car Accident Attorneys and Measuring Loss

As part of a collaborative effort, the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, the Georgia Department of Highway Safety have teamed up to educate young drivers of the potential dangers. Do I Need a Lawyer Distracted driving car accident lawyers in Atlanta…

Distracted Driving – Could End phone Calls While Driving

Currently under Austin city ordinance, you may not text while driving (I hope!) or use your smart phone to make dinner reservations, movies times, or check football scores while caught in Austin traffic, as these activities are both illegal and…

What Money Can I Recover

If you would like to speak with me regarding a potential claim… That way I’m just one touch away if you need me. Now let’s go to a question from one of our viewers: “Good morning, Gary. I’m hoping you…

Oklahomans hurt in a rear-end accident can turn to us

If you’re hurt in an accident, don’t expect the insurance company to look after your interests. “I called the law office of Dan Davis.” “I got more, way more then I thought I’d get. Three times more.” “They fixed my…